1 qavatli uy sotiladi − 544 m²
Toshkent, Mirzo-Ulug'bek tumani, Zaytun ko'chasi, 1
The house to be demolished or renovated. Location of the house 500 meters from restaurant "Salom". The house is located at highest elevation in the neighborhood in the area of 4 neighboring streets. The house has an access from three sides to the street and one wall with the neighbor. Please contact the house owner for more information at the mobile number
This number also available on WhatsApp and Telegram
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Uy haqida
- Uy turiUy / kottedj
- Ipotekaga sotishYo'q
- Uy o'lchami544 m2
- Uyning qavatlari1
- Uchastka o'lchami881 sot.
- Uy holatiBuziladigan
- Yotoqxonalar5 dan ortiq
- Sanuzellari4
- Qurilish yili2001
- Shift balandligi3.7 m
- Ta'mirTa'mirsiz
- Devor materialiG'ishtli
- SanuzelUyda
- Isitish Avtonom
- Elektr quvvatiBor
- Suv ta'minotiBor
- Gas ta'minotiBor
- KanalizatsiyaBor
- ObodonchilikHovuz, hammom, garaj